The current exhibit, called "Human Rights, Human Wrongs", displays over 300 photos depicting both the fight for civil rights, and innumerable examples of inhumane acts and atrocities carried out around the world between the years of 1945 through 1994.
Some of the images of "Human Wrongs" were disturbing, as depiction of violence and torture were explicitly presented. However I found several innocuous looking photos even more horrifying after reading the accompanying stories related to them.
In one picture, a forlorn-looking woman sits alone in what turns out to be a camp for Bengali women who had been raped by Pakistani soldiers. She had been gang-raped by four soldiers while her husband was forced to clean adjoining rooms. Now she had to stay in the camp to wait to give birth after the rape impregnated her. Rapes of females ranging from ages 8 to 75 were common during the Bangladesh Liberation War (circa 1971), as a way to dishonour the women and undermine the Bengali society.
A succinct visual depiction of apartheid in South Africa can be found in the 1961 photo of a drive-in theatre. A wooden wall cuts through the middle of the field, separating the blacks on the left and the whites on the right.
This stunning display of photojournalism was definitely illuminating. It was also a bit depressing to witness such widespread examples of inhumane treatment over the years and across the globe. The photos were arranged chronologically and jumped without notice from country to country, as if to highlight that racial intolerance and injustice knows no boundaries.
It is exciting to think that this exhibit touched only a small fraction of the wealth of photos in the Black Star collection. There will be enough material for many more curated shows to come.
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